
SB5579 – Allows Ecology to stop enforcing requirements for reducing hydrofluorcarbon emissions if supply chain problems might impair state businesses or consumers.
Prime Sponsor – Senator Braun (R; 20th District; Cowlitz & Lewis County) (Co-sponsor Lynda Wilson – R)
Current status – Had a hearing in the Senate Committee on Environment, Energy & Technology February 14th. Replaced by a substitute and passed out of committee February 17th. Referred to Ways and Means.
Next step would be – Scheduling a hearing.
Legislative tracking page for the bill.

Substitute –
This would authorize Ecology to grant variances from the requirements in these situations rather than allowing the department to simply stop enforcing them.

Summary –
The bill would allow Ecology to stop enforcing the current requirements for reducing hydrofluorcarbon emissions if it determined that supply chain problems or similar
disruptions threatened to impair businesses or consumers in the state, and that suspending enforcement of a requirement would mitigate the problem.